17 Dec The 2018-1019 season in figures

Over the past season we have achieved a lot in collaboration with the villages.
4 million trees planted
Hommes & Terre focuses on restoring landscapes and agroforestry. Over the past season, we planted 3,825,000 trees. Most of them are Sahelian species such as acacias, herbaceous species that livestock love: Balanites, Ziziphus, Raddiana, Seyal, etc. Today, the total assets of Hommes & Terre stands at more than 11 million new trees.
4,500 hectares recovered
Thanks to the trees we planted, we have succeeded in increasing our area in the fight against desertification by 4,500 hectares during this season. That’s equal to half the size of the city of Paris. Total assets recovered stand at 15,000 hectares.
1,000 hectares strengthened
The ecosystem is not simply restored through ploughing and seeding. It must be monitored and remedial actions undertaken. In collaboration with our Village Partners, we have organised remedial actions such as reseeding or reopening half-moons, over more than 1,000 hectares.
Development of an operating area extending over 20 ha
In partnership with Abundant By Nature, we have introduced new recovery techniques, which include higher infiltration rates and better water management thanks to the use of swales (trenches), overflow and earth pan techniques
The objective is to ensure modular and standardised agroforestry production. Development of this exploitation area extends over 20 ha.
50 tonnes of seed collected
With our Village Partners, we collected tree and herbaceous seeds. By mixing the two types of seed, 10.5 kg of seed can be sown per hectare, with an average of seven different species.
102 village partners
All our operations are based on collaboration with 102 Village Partners in Burkina Faso and Mali, with each operation undertaken on 250 hectares per village. During this season, we set up 18 new collaboration in the communes of Bourzanga, Zimtanga, Ouindigui and Djibo in Burkina Faso, and in Kani-Bonzon, Koprona and Dourou in Mali.
We extended our activities to a second country
In addition to Burkina Faso, we are now active in Mali. The goal is to restore there, over the 2019-2020 season, 100 hectares in the villages of Kani-Bonzon, Telly, Tendely and Begnimatou.
50 million CFA paid to our Village Partners
Over this season, the purchase of seeds and participation in site seeding has enabled the payment of some 50 million CFA, or around 3 million CFA (4,600 euro) for each new village. We have opted for collective payments. This approach enables the impact to be shared with the entire village through local community investments and fosters collective benefits.