01 Déc Our first general assembly in Senegal: On est ensemble!
Last week, we organised our first general assembly in Senegal, in the region of Tambacounda (Bakel). We gathered with our 17 partner villages and the local authorities to discuss the results and experiences of the past season and the perspectives for the coming season.
Ecosystem regeneration in the Sahel is a complex journey that cannot be made alone. At Hommes et Terre, we have the technical capacity and expertise, but without the full commitment of our partner villages, these means will not lead to successful and sustainable regeneration. Only they, the people who grow up and live in these ecosystems, have the power to successfully restore their environment. It is up to Hommes Et Terre to create the right conditions and appropriate support mechanisms for them to change their habits and land use, and to engage in a process of regeneration – requiring the efforts and confidence of the entire community.
There is still a long way to go, and the regeneration of ecosystems takes time. One thing is certain: only together can we get there!